
Oriola & Navarro Abogados

Carrer de Bertran, 87 S2
08023 · Barcelona
Tel. Oficinas Centrales 93 015 72 56

We will process your personal data in order to help you and respond to your queries, requests, complaints or suggestions. You can exercise over them the rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limitation of treatment and others that are recognized by current legislation. To access all the applicable legal conditions regarding privacy, in due detail, you can consult the Privacy Policy.

Oriola & Navarro Abogados

Carrer de Bertran, 87 S2
08023 · Barcelona
Tel. Central Offices 93 015 72 56

We will process your personal data in order to help you and respond to your queries, requests, complaints or suggestions. You can exercise over them the rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limitation of treatment and others that are recognized by current legislation. To access all the applicable legal conditions regarding privacy, in due detail, you can consult the Privacy Policy.